31 • 08 • 2016

LVM Nature Park in Tērvete Greets Its One Hundred Thousandth Visitor

 MG 0014

Every year, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) Nature Park in Tērvete surprises its visitors of all ages with new educational and recreational opportunities in the ever-changing, mysterious Fairytale Forest. On 26 August, the Park was visited by its one hundred thousandth guest of this year. Two-year old Oskars visited the Park together with his parents, grandmother and the family of his relatives.

The family get-together day turned out to be an unexpected surprise and a gift from the Nature Park in Tērvete: a free park visit, an opportunity to climb up Tērvete viewing tower, which reveals a picturesque view of the Park area, as well as a ride with the Fairytale Train. It was a day full of miracles and surprises for all the generations of the two families. Both families come from Jumprava, and they had visited LVM Nature Park in Tērvete the previous time three years ago. Within these three years the Park had experienced some major changes - there is a new wooden bridge and improved infrastructure now.    

"The best thing that LVM Nature Park in Tērvete has to offer its visitors is positive emotions and unforgettable memories. The number of guests keeps growing each year, which means that people like it here, and they are coming back again and again. And it is not only because the youngest family members are happy and excited about the Fairytale Forest wonders, but also because teenagers, their parents and grandparents find this place to be interesting for them too. The Park keeps developing, offering more and more new opportunities, exciting thematic events and activities throughout the year," says Kristaps Didže, Head of LVM Recreation and Hunting, Park Unit. Not to miss any of the upcoming events, follow all the activities of Latvia's State Forest Nature Park on the Mother Nature (Mammadaba) website, as well as on its Facebook page.

Last year, Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete welcomed 149 thousand guests, which is the largest number of visitors in the Park's history. Walks in the Fairytale Forest, getting acquainted with new wooden fairytale characters and taking part in educational and exciting activities together with the friendly Dwarf family and environmental guides, as well as challenging oneself in the Skyways of Lucky Land and going on a fun ride with the Fairytale Train - these are just some of the activities that will be a great fun for visitors of all ages. The activities offered at the Park are also highly valued by tourists from Europe and the rest of the world, especially our neighbours Lithuanians, who make up almost 70% of the total number of foreign guests.

LVM Nature Park in Tērvete has been repeatedly recognised as a family-friendly place, which offers interesting and varied recreation opportunities for all generations.