17 • 05 • 2016

LVM Nurseries are actively selling forest seedlings

 AE D stadi

JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) unit "LVM Sēklas un stādi" (LVM Seeds and Plants) is currently busy with selling a variety of forest seedlings. By now, already more than 36.4 million forest seedlings have been sold, of which 9 million seedlings have been exported to foreign countries.

"Our local, as well as foreign customers appreciate the high quality or our forest seedlings and their ability to ingrow successfully. Our modern nurseries are not only able to produce best-quality seedlings for forest regeneration and to meet the needs of our domestic customers, but also offer seedlings to our foreign customers who highly value the quality of the seedlings and their capacity to ingrow. We take care of the environment and people, each year growing and selling up to 50 million forest seedlings and protecting them against pest damage using wax, which is the most environment-friendly product," says Laima Zvejniece, Deputy Director for Production of "LVM Sēklas un stādi" nurseries.

In the season of 2016 "LVM Sēklas un stādi" nurseries are planning to sell 45.9 million forest seedlings, of which 24.1 million are intended for reforestation of more than 8 000 hectares of the state forest area. For the forests to maintain their current proportion of species and biodiversity, it is planned to plant 15.5 million pine seedlings, 6.8 million - fir tree seedlings, 1.4 million - birch seedlings, and 0.3 million - seedlings of other species.

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Last year "LVM Sēklas un stādi" nurseries sold 46.8 million seedlings, of which 23 million seedlings have been planted in the Latvian state forests. Besides, in 2015 an unprecedented volume of exported seedlings was reached - 12 million seedlings, which is a growth of 40% as compared to 2014.

Every year LVM restores thousands of hectares of forest area, planting two new seedlings for each felled tree. A healthy and growing forest is able to ensure a higher level of carbon sequestration and oxygen production. Therefore, intensive forest management is carried out all year long.

The Tree Counter available on the website of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" allows tracking the number of trees planted.