20 • 04 • 2016

Growing garden bounty and learning to enjoy garden works

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JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) donation to social projects is very important for a number of different groups of society - for some it is an opportunity to have beautiful old age, others receive rehabilitation or other forms of support, and there are also people for whom it serves as an essential source for survival and education. A project implemented by association "Svētelis" is a great example of how with a relatively small amount of money it is possible to help many people in need. This project foresees construction of a greenhouse for growing cucumbers and tomatoes, and mastering various useful skills.

Their own greenhouse

In the greenhouse with the area of approximately 200 m2 there will grow spring plants, and later - tomatoes and cucumbers. Within the framework of the project supported by LVM, the largest share of the funding is planned for the construction of a greenhouse, and construction will begin in early May. Ingrīda Grīnberga, Head of society "Svētelis": "Honestly, we did not even hope to receive support for the construction of the greenhouse. The only thing I can say is thank you so much for the responsiveness and generosity! Many people tell me: you are just wasting your time with this nonsense! It is not worth it. But I see that it is worth it! I can see how people are changing, especially children. It is a true pleasure to watch them as they enjoy the fruits of their labour, how proud and satisfied they look. The skills they acquire while working in the field, cannot be taken away from them, and these skills serve as the basis for future development, and will also be useful in their everyday life.

Digging, sowing, planting and weeding

"Food is one of the basic human needs. Those who do not meet socially vulnerable people and people with special needs, or large families with many children, where in the best case only one of the parents has a job, cannot even imagine the poverty such a large part of our society needs to deal with. People just want to eat. Therefore provision of food is one of our key priorities," says the Head of the society.

Our goal is to feed as many people as possible, and to do it so that the beneficiaries are not only satiated, but also feel satisfied for a well-done work. Therefore already for the fourth year the society leases land in Ozolnieki municipality in "Bērzaines", which is used for growing agricultural products, herbs and flowers. This year we also have rabbits - the first babies were already born this year.

By working and seeing the fruitful results, people get much more than just food - children and young people acquire new skills that are not taught at school: how to dig, sow, plant, weed and cultivate the land. The project is intended to involve 40 large families with many children and 20 young people who have special needs.


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Sowing peas and making besoms

According to the ancient Latvian beliefs, the hundredth day of the year is the right time to sow peas, and also "Svētelis" team headed to the field. Altogether half a hectare large field was sown with different varieties of peas, and to use time even more efficiently a wealth of useful herbs were also sown. "What will not be eaten up by the volunteers themselves will be sold at a popular point of sale in Jelgava. Flowers and other goodies will also be offered for sale. The acquired funds will be used for the development of the farm, because there are still so many things we need: seeds, seedlings, fertilisers, payments for tillage and cultivation, reconstruction of the well, as well as decent amenities. The garden tools will also come in handy in daily work; besides, as the number of rabbits is increasing, we need to start thinking about new home for them," says the Head of the society.

Every year LVM supports charity, culture, sports and education projects of national significance. On 1 March, the LVM donation was allocated to 86 public benefit organisations, providing assistance to 61 578 people in Latvia, employing 302 persons and involving 839 volunteer helpers. Donations will reach the social benefit organisations with the help of the organisation Ziedot.lv.