14 • 04 • 2016

The beauty of nature fascionates participiants and spectators of the annual photography awards

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Foto: lmārs Znotiņš, “Annual Photography Awards 2015”

On 12 April, awards were granted to the winners of the contest “Annual Photography Awards 2015” in three categories: "Person", "Events" and "Natural Beauty". The awards ceremony took place in the Central Station square next to the Origo shopping centre. The greatest number of works were submitted for the category "Natural Beauty". To congratulate the winners, a large-scale open-air photo exhibition with 100 best contest works was opened, and the works will be exhibited until 1 June.

"In nature there is peacefulness, harmony and orderliness, that is why I like to memorialise it in my works," says Jānis Bērziņš, the winner of the "Annual Photography Awards 2015" in the category "Natural Beauty". Also JSC "Latvia's State Forests" highly appreciates the beauty of nature, and invites everyone wishing to spend their time in nature, to enjoy the beauty of the Latvian forests, their peacefulness and openness, by capturing it in fascinating and unique photo stories.


Anyone interested was welcome to submit their works in any of the three categories of the competition. The following number of works were submitted for each of the categories: for the category "Person" - 1981 works; for the category "Events" - 1209 works, and for the category "Natural Beauty" - 2892 works.

“It is already the sixth year of the contest, and the interest of participants is still growing. Special thanks should be given to JSC "Latvia's State Forests" for the long-term valuable support. Photography is a wonderful way how to capture the beauty of nature and creativity of people for our future generations. I genuinely hope that our friendship will be just as successful also in the future," says Inese Dābola, the curator of the competition, talking about the previous cooperation.