05 • 04 • 2016

JSC "Latvia's State Forests" offers forest management services also to other Landowners

mezs LVM copy

Efficient and sustainable forest land management is based on the provision of favourable growing conditions for trees, according to the specific forest growth conditions. JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM), which has been managing state-owned forest property already for more than 16 years, now also offers forest management services to other landowners. The aim of this service is to enhance the future value of the forest by sharing the company's extensive experience with other landowners.

The new forest management service offered by LVM, is an opportunity to manage your property efficiently and sustainably, either with greater or lesser participation in this process. Within the framework of the new service, we are able to carry out all types of forestry works, ranging from forestry planning to forest road construction. "It all depends on the specific forest estate and desires of the owner," says Gusts Ašmanis, LVM Forest Management Service Manager, reminding not to forget about the forest value.

The LVM forest management service foresees systematic approach to forest management; therefore successful cooperation is based on drawing up of a forest management and development plan for a five year period. Taking into account the different needs of our customers, after elaboration of the forest management and development plan, two options of further cooperation in forest management are offered: the service MANAGEMENT and the service COOPERATION.

Such a model of cooperation opens up broad and diverse opportunities for Latvian forest land management, allowing the owners to generate maximum income from the estate, while maintaining the recreational and environmental values.

More information (latvian).