01 • 04 • 2016

Mother Nature magazine colours the Spring

 zurnals pavasara

With the first warm rays of the sun, also the latest Mother Nature (Mammadaba) magazine "Colours of the Spring" has arrived, this year encouraging everyone to become a real artist. For your spring inspiration read the conversation with Baiba Sipeniece-Gavare, while Benita Rudzīte, dendrologist at LVM Kalsnava Arboretum, introduces the readers to the latest fashion trends in garden decoration, as well as shares some practical and valuable tips. Once you have gained enough of inspiration and knowledge, it's time to get down to practical things - this time the magazine tells its readers about high germination capacity pine seeds from “LVM Sēklas un stādi” (LVM Seeds and Plants) nurseries - let's sow some pure oxygen!

Spring is the right time to paint the land in various shades and colours - from the green of spring onions to the bright pink of a Japanese meadow. What is this exotic plant? Benita Rudzīte, dendrologist at LVM Kalsnava Arboretum, is the right persons to turn to for advice - she will tell you everything about this spring's fashion trends in small, as well as in large gardens.

This spring, guests are invited to draw inspiration also in Kalsnava Arboretum fields of peonies, rhododendrons and forest lilies, in the plantations of foreign trees at Skrīveri Dendrological Park, or in the forest seedling plantations at Podiņi Nursery. Here everyone can have a look at how the Latvian pine tree forest is created, as well as how exotic specimens have adapted themselves to our relatively harsh climate conditions. At Skrīveri Dendrological Park there are plants and trees from almost all parts of the world. It's a great opportunity to travel all around the world, without even leaving Latvia!

Baiba Sipeniece-Gavare shares her experience in arranging her garden, both here in Latvia, as well as in Saaremaa. As pointed out by Baiba, one has to be a very lazy Latvian not to grow things in the land around the house. Find out what gives Baiba a greater satisfaction - gardening or hosting of shows!

And finally, look for some pine seeds in the magazine, and become an artist yourself - learn how to plant, and observe how a new life - a lush green seedling - is sprouting. This will be an exciting activity not only for children, but also for grown-ups - to experience the moment when a little shoot has gained enough strength to creep out of the ground, sending a spring greeting to the world! To promote public awareness of the role of good forest management in enhancing oxygen generation and in curbing global warming, every year JSC "Latvia's State Forests" invites thousands of young people to get to know the forest management cycle, by going on educational forest tours guided by our knowledgeable experts.

Already for the eighth year in a row JSC "Latvia's State Forests" issues the Mother Nature magazine, telling the readers about the major recreation facilities, managed by LVM, about nature trails, marsh footbridges, towers, caves, lakes, trees, and other treasures to be found in the forest.