06 • 08 • 2015

Cirisa Upursala Nature Trail restored


A key attraction of Latgale Province – the Cirisa Upursala Nature Trail – has undergone changes this summer. JSC "Latvian State Forests" has restored the tourist center, pedestrian walkways, and the observation deck. For the convenience of guests, the company has also improved the recreation areas. Cirisa Upursala is popular among both tourists and families, who reach the island by boat or raft.

The island's upgrading was carried out in close cooperation with Aglona Region, whose council staff designs and renews informative posters for tourist stands. The region also manages tourist flow to and from the island. "Every season the island is visited by 1,000, and let us hope that interest about nature exploration will only grow, and the number will become even larger," says Liene Baskatova, representative of Aglona Region Council.

Cirisa Upursala is the largest island in Cirisa Lake, reaching 16 hectares in land area. The island, managed by LVM, has a 1.8 kilometer long exploration trail with points of interest, which offer information about the trees and protected plants that grow there, as well as animals and birds.


Visitors on the trail are invited to enjoy the relax time and remember to handle nature's treasures with care, as well as to observe rules of the protected area – to avoid stepping on caulescent plants, lichen, moss, to move about silently in order to leave wildlife undisturbed, and to dispose of garbage in designated bins.

LVM develops, improves, and maintains more than 350 key attrctions in all of Latvia – tourist sights, recreational places, trails, observation towers, parks – offering one and all to use the opportunity to relax in state forests free of charge.