20 • 04 • 2015

May it Grow Green!

AE D stadi

It may seem that spring has not been very welcoming this year, however, more than 6 million young, high quality forest plantations in area of about 2.2 thousand hectares, are very fond of the current weather conditions. Brought from the seed-plot, the young tree seedlings have set their roots in the soil, and are beginning to adapt to their new home in order to grow and flourish green and bright as soon as warm weather sets in.

"LVM Seeds and Seedlings" tree nurseries have distributed more than 19 million seedlings, 11 million of which are already growing in Latvian state forests. Meanwhile, 3.5 million of the seedlings were exported.

Northern Kurzeme, Southern Kurzeme, and Zemgale forestries are currently the most active in forest planting works. Each forestry has covered 300 to 500 hectares of land area with young forests.

The plan is to restore 14.6 thousand hectares of forest land this year, 7.7 thousand of which will be restored artificially, planting about 23 million seedlings. The major planting job is conducted during the spring period.

The young tree seedlings are usually planted on forest clearings and territories that require improvement for the plantations, which have suffered damage from frost, disease, insects, or even-toed ungulates, as well as such forest areas that have failed to revive naturally. Forest restoration is carried out using both bare root seedlings and container ones, all cultivated at "LVM Seeds and Seedlings" tree nurseries.