22 • 07 • 2013

LVM congratulates winner of “Cita Holivuda” creative advertising contest

This year, within the framework of the creative advertising contest “Cita Holivuda” (the Other Hollywood), JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” tasked pupils with creating an environmental advertisement poster and a slogan promoting active recreation in Latvia’s state forests.  146 posters were submitted for the contest and the best one has already been put up on “EuroAWK” billboards in Latvia’s cities. The lucky winner – Alise Pētersone from Mārupe Secondary School.

JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” also congratulates the winners of the drawing competition “Plant Your Own Tree!” This year, in the primary schools category, the first place went to fourth-grader Linda Konošķe from Īslīce Secondary School.

The competition was organized by the business and education association Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise Latvia. The goal was to promote pupils’ cognitive activities, creative thinking, practical and research skills within the context of basic economic concepts and social development processes