18 • 03 • 2013

Let’s celebrate 85th anniversary of Forest Days by doing good deeds for Latvia!

The traditional Forest Days celebrate their 85th anniversary this year. Therefore, with its slogan “Together for a Future Forest”, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” urges schools and other friends of nature to participate in the annual Forest Days all over Latvia – by planting trees, setting up birdhouses, removing litter.

The traditional Forest Days celebrate their 85th anniversary this year. Therefore, with its slogan “Together for a Future Forest”, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” urges schools and other friends of nature to participate in the annual Forest Days all over Latvia – by planting trees, setting up birdhouses, removing litter.

This spring, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” organises more than 244 various public events, from clean ups at recreation areas to tree planting and setting up birdhouses. The special activities planned this year include [literary heroine] “nutty Paulīne’s” mushroom planting, and erecting fences around anthills.

Most events are held with specific cooperation partners and all enthusiasts may still apply for participation in the Open Forest Days. All events are free of charge; participants will be provided with seedlings, gloves, bags and other equipment for their work. The participants have to themselves organise transport to the event venue and have some snacks to keep up their energy levels. The number of participants in an event is limited, therefore it is necessary to apply without delay to JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” forestry officials.

The Open Forest Days are organised by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” every spring with the aim of making the public better understand forests and the forestry sector.