05 • 07 • 2012

Vecumnieki high school victorious at 2012 Forest Olympics

After a ride on the Tērvete Nature Park’s fairy tale train, the participants in 2012 Forest Olympics arrived in the realm of forest, where close competition took place among the most knowledgeable and erudite teams from Latvian schools competing for the main prize – an expedition to Norway.

The first leg of the Olympics took place at the new Koknese Nature Trails. Participants had to identify various trees, calculate statistical data on forests, tell birds and their nests, recognise animal tracks, know how to use various tools and instruments, determine the most prevalent tree species in Tērvete Nature Park, make wooden toys for residents and visitors to the newly-built Dwarf Homestead, orientate themselves in a forest, make a musical instrument and, finally, compose a theme song for the forest. There were no easy tasks, yet the finalists in 2012 Forest Olympics – teams from six schools in Līgatne, Mazzalve, Riga, Vecumnieki, Gulbene and Rugāji – did exceptionally well.

The final part of the contest opened with a surprise performance by the popular rock band Astro’n’out. All the teams were visibly agitated to hear the results. This school year, the Forest Olympics was won by Vecumnieki High School teacher Ilze Cīrule with students Emīlija Briede and Pīters Patriks Sprūds. Līgatnes Region High School team placed second and Mazzalve Primary School third. But the ceremony was not over yet – all the participants were offered a slice from a huge Forest Olympics cake made by the Dwarf family’s mom and dad.

The results of the 2011/2012 Forest Olympics’ final:

1. Vecumnieki High School teacher Ilze Cīrule and fifth-graders Emīlija Briede and Pīters Patriks Sprūds

2. Līgatne Region High School teacher Ineta Bērziņa and sixth-graders Samanta Baumane and Dāvis Pipirs

3. Mazzalve Primary School teacher Anda Freimane and fifth-graders Paula Ozoliņa and Kārlis Artūrs Ziemelis

4. Riga 6th High School teacher Sanita Zveja and third-graders Emīlija Lotte Markovska and Artis Mūsiņš

5. Rugāji Region High School teacher Agita Kukarāne and fourth-graders Dārta Stivriņa and Reinis Ozoliņš

6. Gulbene Bērzi Primary School teacher Dace Kļava and sixth-graders Eva Bizika and Rolands Tipāns


The three best teams will go on an exploratory expedition to Norway in August, whereas the team that placed fourth will visit Stockholm. This wonderful opportunity was provided by to the Forest Olympics sponsor this year – the “Tallink” company.

This is already the sixth time that the Forest Olympics are organised in Latvia, but the theme for this year’s competition was a real challenge to teachers – Information Sciences in Forest! Nevertheless, more than 190 teachers from 81 Latvian schools proved that they were knowledgeable environmentalists able to extend information sciences to forests. Altogether, 195 teachers’ reports on their classes competed for making it to the finals; the reports were evaluated by a special jury based on how they conformed with teaching practices, their creativity and originality.

JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” expresses gratitude to the jury of the 2012 Forest Olympics for its contribution and co-operation. The jury was made up of the following forestry and education experts:

· Māra Mīkule, chairwoman of the jury – Representative from the Forest Department of the Agriculture Ministry of the Republic of Latvia

· Lelde Vilkriste – Forestry expert

· Dagnija Lazdiņa – Forestry institute “Silava” representative

· Velga Kakse – Representative from the State Education Content Centre at the Ministry of Education and Science

· Inese Namniece – Tērvete Nature Park representative

· Anda Sproģe – JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” representative

The goal of Forest Olympics is to encourage teachers to incorporate in the school curriculum such subjects that deal with learning new skills and experience while visiting a forest or nature. The Olympics is organised by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” as part of the environmental education programme “Explore Forests” and Mammadaba master classes.


Information prepared by:

Irēna Žabinska

LVM communication projects manager

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