26 • 06 • 2012

Forest regeneration operations completed

Forest regeneration operations have been completed in the forest areas managed by the joint-stock company “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM). 9,876 hectares of forest have been planted as of June 4, 99.5 percent of the 9,925 hectares to be planted this spring. Favorable weather conditions have fostered successful forest regeneration, ensuring high plant growth rates.

17,300 hectares of forest are to be regenerated in the state forests entrusted to the company this year. 32.9 million plants will be used for 11,400 hectares of new trees, the highest figure in the company’s history. 5,900 hectares will undergo natural regeneration.

LVM Silviculture Director Mārtiņš Gūtmanis: “The tasks related to forest regeneration are the first and most important stage on the way to growing top quality forests in the future. Therefore we dedicate our utmost attention to such tasks.”



Information prepared by: LVM Communications Department