29 • 03 • 2012

Merry bunnies bob and bobek invite you to a pre-easter mammadaba cartoon morning.

Continuing the Mammadaba Cartoon Mornings – educational events for kids, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” presents the popular Czech cartoon about two bunnies named Bob and Bobek. Before the screening, enterprising Easter bunnies will meet with the audience, where some may want to have their faces painted to help them imagine being an animal of their choice.

Mammadaba Cartoon Morning featuring animated film series

“Bob and Bobek, Rabbits from the Magic Hat”

Saturday, April 7, at 12 noon

Cinema “Splendid Palace” Small Theatre


Bob and Bobek are two rabbits that live in a magic hat. Bob is bigger, smarter, and often plays the role of an adult. Bobek is smaller, timid, albeit nimble and quick-witted, and he usually plays the role of a child in relations with Bob – yet this does not mean that Bob is smarter of the two. Both rabbits are known for having pesky ideas, which often take them into unusual funny situations.


This is already the second Mammadaba Cartoon Morning screening organised in collaboration with the Czech Republic in Riga. The animated cartoon series was designed by Czech cartoonist, illustrator, animated film screenwriter and director Vladimir Jiranek. Bob and Bobek premiered in 1978, altogether more than 90 cartoons about the two rabbits have been made.

The events organised as part of Mammadaba Cartoon Mornings, the films screened and the educational part are all meant to let children themselves notice things, think and understand – Mother Nature is generous, it is all around us, it cares for us – and we can respond by doing the same.

The next Mammadaba Cartoon Morning event is scheduled for May 19.

Tickets cost LVL 2 for adults, LVL 1.50 for children (admission free for children under 6 who sit in their parent’s lap).

Screening duration, including the educational segment: approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.