26 • 03 • 2012

International Foundation for Environmental Education grants status of affiliate member to “Latvia’s State Forests”

The joint-stock company “Latvia’s State Forests” has signed a cooperation agreement with the international organisation Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) to develop and strengthen the environmental education programme “Learning about Forests” (LEAF) in Latvia and other countries.

FEE has appreciated “Latvia’s State Forests” efforts in forest environment education and granted the status of FEE affiliate member this year, envisaging the right to LEAF national representation and the organisation’s closer cooperation and experience exchange with international institutions.

FEE is an international organisation promoting sustainable development through environmental education. The foundation was established in 1981 and is UN partner in environmental education. Latvia has been the foundation’s full-fledged member since 2003, and the Foundation for Environmental Education Latvia (FEEL) is its official representation in the country. “Latvia’s State Forests” has been actively cooperating with FEEL since 2005, implementing LEAF for Latvian schools.

LEAF started in 1997 and currently runs in more than 17 countries worldwide. “Latvia’s State Forests” has been implementing it in Latvia in cooperation with FEEL since 2005. The programme goal is to promote comprehensive education among school children concerning forests and their values. Within the framework of LEAF, teachers and school children are educated and trained to establish an international network for cooperation in forest education. For additional information: www.tavsmezs.lv and www.mammadaba.lv (Masterclass section).

Blue Flag, Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests and Green Key are the most well-known FEE programmes. All five are active in Latvia, aiming to promote environmental awareness and heighten public education.

FEE cooperates with various organisations and institutions interested in environmental protection, attempting to foster sustainable mutual relations. The Environmental Protection and Regional Development Ministry, the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and more than 20 other state institutions are long-term FEE partners.


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LVM Communication Department