23 • 03 • 2012

“Latvia’s State Forests” urges reporting large bird nests found in forests

The joint-stock company “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) urges Latvian residents to report large bird nests found in state forests. Such nests are built and inhabited by several protected bird species – black storks, lesser spotted eagles, white-tailed eagles, osprey, greater spotted eagles, golden eagles, short-toed snake eagles, black kites, European honey buzzards, common buzzards and northern goshawks.

In compliance with the company’s environmental policy, endangered bird and animal species and their habitats are protected in all forests managed by LVM. Forest management is limited or halted in nesting sites of protected birds or locations of large nests. Micro-reserves are established to ensure favorable conservation status of particularly protected species or habitats.

LVM calls on all friends of nature to report to the company large bird nests found in forests by:

- filling out this questionnaire http://projekti.kurtuesi.lv/nests/public/ and marking the nest’s location on the map (the information about the nest can be added by pressing “+” in the top right corner of the screen)

- contacting LVM environmental specialists in various regions (see the list below)

- emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or LVM environmental specialists (see the list below)

Please specify the nest’s location as much as possible:

- coordinates,

- forest tract name,

- forest compartment number (can be found on forest compartment plates at firebreak intersections)

- county and/or region

- nearest populated area

- tree species (if possible)

- other important data

so that LVM environmental specialists would be able to inspect the nest and establish its inhabitants as soon as possible and, if needed, carry out all necessary measures to protect the birds and their nest.

It is also preferable to leave some personal data – your name and surname, phone number and/or email address, so that LVM specialists would be able to contact you for additional information. Roadside and firebreak intersection signs “Latvijas Valsts Meži” (Latvia’s State Forests) indicate that the forests are state-owned.

Large bird nests can usually be found on middle-aged and old trees, since only strong, large branches and trunks can support their weight. The nests are most often located in the tree’s midsection – on large, horizontal lateral branches, branch axils, treetops or their axils. Valuable information about these nests is presented in the pocket-sized book “Identification key of large nests” http://dabasdati.lv/lv/eagles/iznacis-lielo-ligzdu-noteicejs/.


If a large nest is discovered, its site must be left immediately so as not to disturb the birds. Even if it seems that there are no birds in it, it does not necessarily mean that it is uninhabited. It is possible that the adult birds have temporarily left it in search of food or perhaps it is still being built and may be abandoned if this process is interrupted. Black storks and eagles are highly sensitive to various disturbances. Do not under any circumstances climb the tree to find out whether the nest is inhabited!

LVM urges to be delicate with nature! Observe nature, but do not interfere with its developments. Be cautious in nesting areas – do not approach, touch or take pictures of nests, eggs and young birds. Do not disturb migratory birds in the areas where they feed, rest and spend nights.

Do not pollute nature – it is home for many living beings!