16 • 04 • 2009


At the beginning of April, the Baltic PR Awards ceremony took place. The winning entry in the category Corporate Responsibility was the campaign Don't litter the forest! You'll turn into a pig! run by AS Latvijas valsts meži (LVM).

A total of 97 public relations projects from all three Baltic States were entered in this prestigious competition. The international jury shortlisted 30 finalists who presented their projects at the final auditions held on 1st April.

LVM’s entry for the competition was the last year’s campaign for introducing a deposit-refund system for PET bottles in Latvia, which is a part of the project Don't litter the forest! You'll turn into a pig!. Among the most significant events of the campaign were Cūkmens’s (Pigman’s) tour around Latvia, drive for signatures in support of introducing the system, and opening the Green Section and Cūkmens’s fan club on the social networking website www.draugiem.lv.

According to Richard Linning, Board Member of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), “In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of truly creative public relations solutions throughout Europe. Instead of this, many projects are rather aimed at advertising volume and not so much at innovative solutions and a genuinely valuable outcome for the customer. Therefore, in the process of evaluation the jury assessed creativity and innovative approach.”

Apparently, these features were inherent in our project Don't litter the forest! You'll turn into a pig!, which was awarded the first prize in the category Corporate Responsibility. This is a great success not only for the creative team of the project, but for the whole company as well.