13 • 01 • 2007


Today Zaiga Gaile, Ilze Aizsilniece and Imants Ziedonis were awarded with the title “Forest friends”.

The obtainers of the title are well-known people who love and care about Latvian forests though their everyday activities are not directly connected with the forest industry. Someone who takes care of the forest, someone who lets the forest live again, and someone who understands, describes and lets others  appreciate it.

Zaiga Gaile has been awarded with the Forest Friend title for her contribution to the preservation of Riga wood architecture and environmental culture development.

Ilze Aizsilniece has been arranging forest cleaning campaigns and forest keeping joint work for years which helps to direct the attention of society and to change society’s attitude to Latvian forest, meadow and beach pollution with household waste.

Imants Ziedonis is honoured for his work and activity for the good of Latvian forests. The author of “Green Tale” is tightly connected with Latvian nature, forest and its protection both in literature and life. Ziedonis studies Latvian secular trees and is also a godfather of Latvijas Valsts Meži joint-stock company education programme and the book called “Learn the Forest”.

The honouring of the forest friends is the first event of the Golden Cone, the forest industry yearly award.