26 • 04 • 2021

Fire Period has Begun in Forests. It is Important to be Very Careful!

meza ugunsgreks2

As of 26 April 2021, fire period has been declared in the entire territory of the country. During this period of time, a number of conditions must be met, not only by forest owners, but also by each and every forest visitor. During this unsafe period of time, an unextinguished bonfire can cause a fire to spread in forest. This article summarizes the most important things that everyone should know and bear in mind in order not to cause a forest fire.

Experience shows that the main reason of forest fires is deliberate or unconscious human action. Therefore, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) calls on every forest visitor during this unsafe period that lasts from spring to autumn to remember the following: it is prohibited to make an open flame in forests, except for recreational facilities with places specially made for this purpose; it is prohibited to drop burning or smouldering matches, cigarette ends and other objects; it is also forbidden to drive motor vehicles in forest off the road.

Fire may only be lit in specially designated places

If a fire is made incorrectly, it can not only turn into a forest fire, but it also seriously endangers nearby people, trees, soil, houses and can cause significant damage! That is why fire can be lit only in specially equipped places. When leaving, the fire must be extinguished completely by using water or mineral soil. The recreation area can be left only when the fire no longer smokes and cannot be restored by stronger winds.

Remember to take along what you brought to forest

Carelessly discarded waste can become a cause of fire misfortune or contribute to the spread of fire flames, particularly when well-burning objects are discarded. Waste generated during rest must be taken away or left in the appropriate waste boxes. They must not be incinerated: toxic gases released by burning waste may cause harm to health when inhaled. Aerosol cans and flammable liquids can also ignite and explode, thus endangering human health and safety.

Rules for the use of motor vehicles in the forest must be respected

It is also important for visitors to the forest to respect the correct use of motor vehicles. Mechanised means of transport may only be driven along forest roads specifically built for this purpose. Motor vehicles may only be parked in places where they do not disturb forest keepers and firefighters. Unauthorised movement of motorcycles and quad bikes outside the forest roads is strictly prohibited. When driving through the forest on a motorcycle or quad bike, sparks can start a forest fire.

Taking into account the devastating consequences of forest fires, LVM calls on forest visitors and forest management workers to be especially careful and cautious when handling open flame in the forest.