26 • 06 • 2024

Latvia’s State Forests Signs a Cooperation Memorandum with the Association of Biology Teachers


Responding to the call of the Association of Biology Teachers to cooperate in promoting public awareness of sustainable forest management, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) signed a cooperation memorandum last week.

“JSC “Latvia's State Forests” has earned the trust of teachers by holding teacher courses with high-quality, well-thought-out content, organizing student expeditions to the forest, and holding competitions related to the teaching content. We are pleased with the cooperation memorandum, which provides for the involvement of biology teachers in the development of teaching materials, cooperation with LVM specialists, looking for answers about sustainable forest management,” says Vēsma Vijupe, Head of the Association of Biology Teachers, after signing the memorandum.

Pēters Putniņš, Chairman of the LVM Board, thanked the teachers for their cooperation and expressed his support for the planned events: “Environmental education is the basis for a green future, which LVM recognizes as one of the most important tasks in working with schools. Next year it will be 20 years since we encourage teachers to go out into nature with their classes, to participate in various environmental awareness programmes and competitions. We are proud that every year more than 20 000 children and young people get involved in forest exploration; for them, the forest has become the biggest learning site. Cooperation with the Association of Biology Teachers will create the ground for an even deeper understanding of forests in Latvian schools, as well as give an impulse to elaborating new teaching materials on sustainable forest management.” 

Within the framework of the cooperation memorandum, LVM undertakes to ensure the development of educational materials and the organization of educational events on forest issues included in the Biology programme. In turn, the Association of Biology Teachers undertakes to participate in the creation of educational materials and events together with LVM, to popularize and distribute information about sustainable forest management in Latvian schools.

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