21 • 05 • 2024

Favourable Weather Conditions Allow to Restore Forests more Smoothly than Planned

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As weather conditions favourable for forest planting and sowing continue, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) is successfully continuing the forest restoration works started in March. Of the 13 930 hectares planned for this year, 11 043 hectares have already been restored. 

Most of the area restored so far has been planted with hand tools – 10 131 hectares. Pines and firs are mostly planted by hand, 4 601 and 3 867 hectares of forest have been planted with these species, respectively. In addition, 1 180 hectares of birch trees and 483 hectares of black alder and other species have been planted with hand tools. In turn, forest has been planted mechanically on 310 hectares and sown on 600 hectares. Both pines and firs are planted mechanically, but only pines are sown. The amount of mechanically planted and sown areas is increasing every year. The technological solution introduced in 2021 allows forest restoration to be carried out more efficiently while maintaining a high quality of work.

“Although spring may seem quite cool this year, it is very suitable for planting trees. It is precisely in such weather conditions – moderately warm and sufficiently humid – that young trees can grow best. The favourable weather conditions have also contributed to the fact that forest restoration works are progressing faster than planned. Currently, we have restored the forest by 350 hectares more than what was scheduled in the plan,” says Jānis Kažemaks, Head of Forest Restoration and Tending at LVM.

This year, LVM started the first forest restoration works on 18 March. To restore the state forests in the planned volume, a total of 16.8 million pine, 9.8 million spruce, 2.19 million birch and 928 thousand black alder seedlings, as well as 243 kg of pine seeds will be needed.

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