06 • 04 • 2023

Several State Forest Roads or Their Sections have been Flooded and Damaged

appludis udru cels zemgale

In the eastern part of the country, floodplains and low-lying areas have been widely flooded. In the changing weather conditions, when thaw alternated with rain, snow melted rapidly and at the end of March caused floods in several territories of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), threatening the infrastructure of forest roads in some places. Several road sections have been flooded or damaged in all LVM regions.

LVM forest infrastructure specialists, when surveying forest roads, pay special attention to the condition of culverts and ensure that culverts are not blocked, and that forest roads are not flooded and damaged. In case of damage to forest roads, LVM forest infrastructure specialists react promptly and organize the necessary repairs.

The water level in the Aiviekste and Pededze Rivers has risen significantly, especially in the Northern Latgale region of LVM, the Jaunpededzes road in the Balvi Forest District, which was built in 2020, has been flooded.

Due to the increased water levels, a difficult situation had also developed in the Žīguri Forest District of the LVM Northern Latgale region on the forest highway “Vārupes ceļš”, where a 50-60-metre-long section of the road was washed away six years ago due to the high level of water.

“Although we repaired this section of the road in previous years, the high level of water caused obvious damage to the road at the end of this March. During the previous repairs, the road structure was improved, which in turn protected the road from more damage this year, so only the gravel surface will need to be restored. A similar situation had developed in the Žīguri Forest District on the “Rākova road” forest road”, says Māris Matisāns, LVM Latgale Region Forest Infrastructure Manager.

Forest roads have been flooded

In the LVM Vidzeme region, the biggest concern was the rising water level in the Gauja River and Pededze River. For example, the main drain of the reclamation facility “Dzerbene”, the Dzestrene River, is a regulated watercourse about 5 metres wide, and this spring, before entering the Gauja River, it forms flood on an area of about 30 hectares, which threatens to flood a State road. In turn, the Pededze River in the Vidzeme region has washed over several forest roads this spring: “Tēvabirži-Pekles”, “Vecais Mezīšu ceļš”, “Jaunais Mezīšu ceļš”, “Ozolu ceļš” and “Pekles atzars”. The Voroža River, which is located on the Eastern border of the country, must be observed in every period of high water. This year, the Voroža River washed over the “Bērziņu ceļs” road.

“The flow of water in the flooded roads was not fast, therefore the biggest repairs will be necessary on the flooded “Bērziņu ceļs” road, where about 40 cubic metres of soil, 30 cubic metres of sand and 20 cubic metres of gravel will be needed to eliminate the washout. Repairs will be smaller on other roads. Adding up all the other flooded roads, 100 cubic metres of gravel should be enough for repairs,” says Jānis Upens, LVM Vidzeme Region Forest Infrastructure Manager.

Similarly, several roads were flooded or washed over in the LVM Zemgale region, for example “Lāču ceļš” and “Ūdru ceļš” roads. In turn, in the Northern Kurzeme region of LVM, due to snowmelt and heavy rainfall, the road surface and pavement were washed over on a “Vilku ceļš” road section.

Drivers are encouraged to drive carefully on forest roads and to report any observed damage to forest infrastructure facilities.