16 • 08 • 2022

LVM Nature Park in Tērvete Welcomes Its This Year's 100 000th Visitor

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The morning of 12 August started solemnly in the nature park managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in Tērvete, welcoming its this year's 100 000th visitor.

This year, it was Ieva from Lithuania, who visited the park together with her family. The Poskai family from Lithuania had travelled a lot around their country and, following recommendation of their friends, went on a two-day excursion to Latvia. Their family friends had recommended that they should definitely visit the family-friendly LVM Nature Park in Tērvete. As a gift, the family received free tickets to the park and a ride with the Fairytale Train.

The parents and their three daughters shared their joy: “We were so surprised by what we experienced in the park; it exceeded our expectations. I liked everything that I saw in the park, but especially the living fairy-tale characters – Mouse, Dwarfs' Mother, and the Maid. We will definitely recommend visiting the Nature Park in Tērvete to our friends and relatives in Lithuania.”

The 100 000th visitor to the LVM Nature Park in Tērvete was solemnly welcomed for the ninth year already, and this year, for the first time, the honour went to visitors from Lithuania. As the LVM Nature Park in Tērvete is located only 15 kilometres from the Lithuanian border, the number of tourists from the neighbouring country is increasing every year.

“This year, the number of Lithuanian tourists has already reached the highest number in the park's history, which is more than 60 years long. In previous years, before the Covid-19 pandemic, Lithuanian tourists accounted for almost 70 % of the total annual number of foreign tourists, this year their number could even exceed 80 %. Every year, the thematic parts of the park are maintained and improved with new infrastructure facilities and activities, which are appreciated by both new and regular park visitors,” says Normunds Namnieks, LVM Recreation and Hunting Project Manager.

JSC “Latvia's State Forests” has been managing the Nature Park in Tērvete since 2000. Since 2013, the number of visitors has exceeded 100 000 annually. LVM Nature Park in Tērvete is among the most popular tourist destinations and one of the friendliest places for families in Latvia. Its total area is about 1200 hectares, of which one third is occupied by the Fairytale World. An area of about 400 ha is suitable to pedestrians, cyclists, families with prams and people with disabilities. Within the framework of the EDEN project, LVM Nature Park in Tērvete has been recognised as the most excellent European tourism destination in Latvia.