LVM Mineral Materials are Used in Road Construction from Tērvete to the Lithuanian Border

Already in the early spring, reconstruction works were started on the state regional road P95 Jelgava - Tērvete - Lithuanian border (Žagare) in the road section from Tērvete to the Lithuanian border (from km 28.36 to km 43.55). Construction materials for this stage of repair works are delivered from JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) mineral extraction site “Vilce-Mežāres”, located in Jelgava Municipality Vilce Rural Territory. The mining works are performed by SIA “Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrība “Igate””.

In the road section Tērvete-Žagare, in some places the frost-resistant layer and crushed stone layer will be reinforced and two layers of asphalt will be laid along the entire length of the road. At the intersection with the motorway Dobele-Bauska (P103), a rotation circle will be built in Tērvete; lighting will be installed in Augstkalne, and near the border. Construction works are expected to be completed in 2020.

The works are carried out by suppliers' association “Strabag & Igate” for a total contract value of EUR 10.136 million (VAT included). The project is co-financed by the ERDF.

LVM manages more than 100 mineral extraction sites in the whole territory of Latvia. Mining sites are carefully selected so as not to endanger the environment at the same time meet the needs of the company and the economy for sand, sand gravel and other minerals.